Tara Allison

3rd Place
Science, Engineering and Math, 2020
The correlations discovered and research conducted through this literature review are topical to modern day pediatric health, and provide a basis to validate the development of a new mobile pediatric clinic for at-risk adolescents and teens in the Northwest region of Sacramento County.
Tara Allison
Potential Need for a New Mobile Medical Clinic to Provide ACE-Related Care to the Sacramento County for At-Risk Pediatric Populations
Literature review written for University Writing Program 102B: Writing in the Disciplines: Biological Sciences
Project Description
Allison highlights the connection between adverse childhood events (ACEs) and chronic health conditions in adulthood through the context of the Sacramento County healthcare system. Allison’s work was facilitated by a range of online health sciences resources provided by the library, including ebooks and medical journals, as well as a 2019 UC Davis Health Needs Assessment for Sacramento County that she discovered on the website of UC Davis Health. Her literature review proposes the development of a mobile pediatric medical clinic – a solution that Allison is helping to advance through the campus organization Recognizing Illnesses Very Early and Responding (R.I.V.E.R.).
In Their Own Words
Read Tara’s reflective essay from their Lang Prize application.