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Browse eJournals with BrowZine

UC Davis Library is now offering BrowZine!

BrowZine is a web-based journal engagement platform and mobile app that enables you to quickly find, easily follow, and directly access the library’s licensed e-journals on any device. BrowZine visually presents the library’s e-journals in a browsable and readable format with seamless synchronization across devices.

With BrowZine you can:

  • Browse and read journals: Browse thousands of top journals by subject, easily review tables of contents, and download full articles.
  • Stay Current with My Bookshelf: Create a personal bookshelf of titles to follow and receive new article notifications (including articles in press).
  • Access on any device: Easily access BrowZine from your iOS and Android device and on the web to stay up to date from any location.  Download BrowZine mobile app
  • Save and export articles: Use the BrowZine app to save articles for off-line reading or export to services such as DropBox, Mendeley, RefWorks, EndNote, Zotero, Papers and more.

Here is a short video:

To view library licensed full-text articles (pdfs) via BrowZine while off campus or on the campus guest wifi network, log onto the library VPN (Pulse Secure).

For more information


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