Special Collections
Featured Maps! Climate
Theme for the week: Climate
January 8- 12, 2018
Climate measures the patterns of variation in wind, temperature, humidity, cloud cover, atmospheric pressure, and more. Climate is the average weather of a region over a long-term, normally around 30 years. Relied heavily on scientific research on climate change, it is commonly reported that due to the excessive amount of burning fossil fuels that produces greenhouse gases, and other human activities, create environmental disorganization that harms the ecosystem and human life. Some impacts related to climate change include food security, water supply, and human health.
Did you know that: The average car produces its own weight in carbon dioxide emissions each year?
Visit the Map Collection to advance your knowledge on seasonal land cover regions in the United States, surface temperature and precipitation changes from 1976-2006, and explore an informative map that discusses why and how the climate is warming.
Come to the Map Collection and look for this sign:

Title: Seasonal land cover regions
by EROS Data Center, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, and Geological Survey (1993)
Call Number: MAP G3701.D2 1993 .E7
Title: World weather extremes
by Geographic Sciences Laboratory (1985)
Call Number: MAP G3201.C8 1985 .G4 (Vert. File)
Title: Changing climate
by National Geographic Society (2007)
Call Number: MAP G3201.C8 2007 .N3
Title: The Fuller dymaxion air-ocean world
by Buckminster R. Fuller, Sadao Shōji, and Honeywell Inc. (1967)
Call Number: MAP G3201.C82 1967 .F8
Title: Scheme of aridity and drought probability
by V. A. Kovda et al. (1977)
Call Number: MAP G3201.C886 1977 .K6
Title: Weather extremes in Canada and the United States
by Geographic Sciences Laboratory and, U.S. Army Engineer Topographic Laboratories (1958)
Call Number: MAP G3301.C8 1985 .G3 (Vert. File)
Title: Temperature rising: climate change in southwestern British Columbia
by Geological Survey of Canada (1999)
Call Number: MAP G3511.C8 1999 .G3
Title: Vatnajökull, Iceland, winter scene, 1973 : satellite image map
by Geological Survey, and Landmælingar Íslands (1973)
Call Number: MAP G6932.V2 1973 .U6
Title: Vatnajökull, Iceland : Fall scene
by Geological Survey, and Landmælingar Íslands (1973)
Call Number: MAP G6932.V2 1973 .U64
Title: Map of snow, ice, and frozen ground in China
by Zhongguo ke xue yuan, Lanzhou bing chuan dong tu yan jiu suo, Zhongguo di tu chu ban she, and Zhongguo guo ji shu dian fa xing (1988)
Call Number: MAP G7821.C813 1988 .C4
Map Collection: Location and Hours
The Map Collection room is normally open to the public in the basement (Lower Level) of Shields Library, Monday-Friday, 1:00-5:00 pm. However, our hours change around the academic calendar and the holiday season. To see the most accurate schedule, please visit this link: click here.
Contact the Special Collections Department for map related questions by email at speccoll@ucdavis.edu or by phone at 530-752-1621.