Featured Maps! Land Use Maps of California
Theme for the week:
Land Use Maps of California
Date: April 22-May 10, 2019
California is the third largest state in the union with more than half of its land dedicated to public use. Within California one can travel through a plethora of biomes; from the hot barren Mojave desert, to the open farm land of the Central Valley, to thick lush redwood forests of the Coastal Range. Along the way one could see a vast array of plants and animals preserved by the dedication of Public and Wilderness lands.
Our map collection is showcasing maps that display where we as Californians find land important to protect, and what we do with the land we choose to develop. At the Map Collection room you will be able to find broad information on the preservation of California as a whole, to specific information on what crops are grown in the Davis region. When showing public lands, these maps often come with a description of what plant and animal life can be found in the area and how the ecology thrives. When showing urban industrial areas, these maps will depict how a city like Los Angeles has expanded over time and how they deal with the natural environment around them.
Come to the Map Collection and look for this sign:

Title: Davis area land use map
by Davis (Calif.). Community Development Department (1975)
Call Number: G4364.D3G4 1975 .D3
Title: Yolo County 1981 land use, (Davis sheet & Merritt sheet)
by California. Department of Water Resources. (1981)
Call Number: G4363.Y6G4 1981 .C2
Includes Explanatory Text: Standard Land Use Legend
Title: California : Surface Management Status
by United States. Bureau of Land Management
Call Number: G4361.G5 s100 .U5
Napa-Bodega Bay Sheet (2018)
Title: Industrial and agricultural developments in upper San Francisco Bay and Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Regions related to salt water barrier.
by California. Division of Water Resources (1931)
Call Number: G4362.D35G4 1931 .C2 (Vertical Files)
Title: Map of Northern California showing Placer mining areas
by California. Division of Mines and Geology. Heikes, V. C. (Victor Conrad) (1932)
Call Number: G4362.N61H2 1932 .C25
Title: Southern California urbanization 1990-2002
by California. Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program. California. Department of Conservation. (2004)
Call Number: G4362.S6G4 2002 .C3
Title: Los Angeles County Land Use : 1975
by Turner, Eugene (1979)
Call Number: G4363.L6G4 1975 .T8
Title: The California desert, our western heritage.
by California Desert Protection League (1987)
Call Number: G4361.G5 1987 .C2
Title: California Desert Conservation Area
by United States. Bureau of Land Management (1979)
Call Number: G4362.S6G5 1979 .U6
Title: California : Surface Management Status [with California Desert Conservation Area information on verso]
by United States. Bureau of Land Management
Call Number: G4361.G5 s100 .U5
Eagle Mountains sheet (2013), El Cajon sheet (2016), & El Centro sheet (2012)
Title: State of California
by United States. General Land Office. Gales, T. W. (1944)
Call Number: G4360 1944 .G2 (Rolled Wall Maps)
Title: Public lands, California
by United States. Bureau of Land Management (1978)
Call Number: G4361.G5 1978 .U8
Title: State of California wilderness status map
by United States. Bureau of Land Management (1981)
Call Number: G4361.G3 1981 .U6
Title: State of California wilderness status map : January 21, 1993
by United States. Bureau of Land Management (1993)
Call Number: G4361.G4 1993 .U6
Map Collection: Location and Hours
The Map Collection room is normally open to the public in the basement (Lower Level) of Shields Library, Monday-Friday, 1:00-5:00 pm. However, our hours change around the academic calendar and the holiday season. To see the most accurate schedule, please visit this link: click here.
Contact the Special Collections Department for map related questions by email at speccoll@ucdavis.edu or by phone at 530-752-1621.