Special Collections
Featured Maps: North Pole and Santa
Theme for the week: North Pole and Santa
December 18, 2017- January 5, 2018
Santa is coming to town! Did you know that the first celebration of Christmas was in Rome, 313 A.D? Or that Santa Claus has many names like, St. Nicholas, Pan, The Wise Men, and Father Christmas. Some even believed that he had horns and fur! Come to the Shields Library Map Collection room to discover the history of Santa, and examine the beautiful descriptive maps of the Arctic Region.
Come to the Map Collection and look for this sign:

Title: The Santa map : a cultural geography of the world’s most beloved man
by Hedberg Maps, Inc. (2001)
Call Number: MAP G3201.E62 2001 .H3
Title: [Arctic Region]
by Willem Borent (1558)
Call Number: MAP G3270 1558 .B6
Title: Septentrionalium terrarum descriptio
by Gerhard Mercator (1595)
Call Number: MAP G3270 1595 .M3
Title: A map of the North-Pole and the parts adjoining
by Moses Pitt, and Association of Canadian Map Libraries (1970)
Call Number: MAP G3270 1680 .P4
Title: The Arctic regions
by National Geographic Society (1925)
Call Number: MAP G3270 1925 .N2
Title: Arctic region
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency (1992)
Call Number: MAP G3271.A1 1992 .U6 (Vert. File)
Title: Fairbanks, 1984 ; North Pole, 1984-1985, home of Santa Claus
by Clark Wayne (1984)
Call Number: MAP G4374.F2 1984 .C5
Map Collection: Location and Hours
Open 1:00-4:00 p.m. during intersession.
The Map Collection room is normally open to the public in the basement (Lower Level) of Shields Library, Monday-Friday, 1:00-5:00 pm. However, our hours change around the academic calendar and the holiday season. To see the most accurate schedule, please visit this link: click here.
Contact the Special Collections Department for map related questions by email at speccoll@ucdavis.edu or by phone at 530-752-1621.