Featured Maps! World War II
Theme for the week: World War II
February 11 – March 1, 2019
World War II is the deadliest conflict in human history, with tens of millions of deaths, most of whom were civilians in the Soviet Union and China. Besides these fatalities and casualties, the war destroyed infrastructure, included genocide and massacres, caused starvation and disease, and introduced nuclear weapons to warfare. In Europe, the Allies fought the Axis on the ground on two fronts, as well as an air war above the Mediterranean and Middle East. In the Pacific, the Allies fought the Empire of Japan.
For this feature, we’ve selected various maps in the European theatre. On the Western Front, we have many maps of France, which was defeated by Nazi Germany in 1940 and resulted in the occupation of northern France. Depicted are the movements of armies from Allied countries across western Europe, aiming for liberation of occupied territories and victory over the Axis powers. Air warfare was a core element of the war, utilizing strategic bombing to disrupt industry and politics instead of aiming only for military targets. In our collection, we have a map of Berlin showing the effects of air raids, marking buildings that remained intact and those that were damaged in the bombings.
In the Pacific theatre, Japan implemented strategic bombing as well, mostly targeting civilian populations. The United States officially entered the Pacific War after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The U.S. published a collection of posters and news maps that provided information on the status of the war and on the enemy. They were distributed to the U.S. military and war production facilities, and production lasted from 1942 to the end of the war.
Come to the Map Collection and look for this sign:

Title: World War II : Europe and North Africa [and] Asia and the Pacific
by National Geographic Society (U.S.). Cartographic Division. Garver, John B., Jr.; Graves, William.; Barry, Cynthia M. (1991)
Call Number: MAP G3201.S7 1991 .N2
Title: The air war in Europe, U.S. Army Air Forces in World War II, 1941-1945 ; The air war in the Pacific, U.S. Army Air Forces in World War II, 1941-1945
Author not given (1993?)
Call Number: MAP G3201.S7 1993 .A4
Title: Newsmap
by United States. Army. Orientation Course (1942-46)
Call Number: MAP G3201.S7 s40000 .U6 [multiple sheets]
{A staff favorite!}
Title: Carte des camps et autres lieux de detention nazis
by Institut Géographique National, Belgium (2009)
Call Number: MAP G5701.F86 2009 .I4
Title: Our America, backgrounds and development. European area in World War II, 1939-1945
by Denoyer-Geppert Company (1968)
Call Number: MAP G5701.S7 1968 .D3 Rolled Wall Map
Title: Die militärischen operationen in Europa, 1939-1945 = The military operations in Europe 1939-1945
by Kümmerly + Frey (1970?)
Call Number: MAP G5701.S7 1970 .T8
Title: Sinclair news map of Europe and the Near East
by Rand McNally and Company. Sinclair Oil Corporation (1941?)
Call Number: MAP G5701.S8 1941 .R3
Title: Newsmap : The Rhine
by United States. Army Information Branch (1945)
Call Number: MAP G5702.R5S7 1944 .N3
Title: D Day, 6 6 44 = 6 6 44, Jour Jf
by Institut Géographique National, France (1984)
Call Number: MAP G5831.S7 1944 .F7
Title: Bataille de Normandie juin-août 1944
by Pneu Michelin (1984)
Call Number: MAP G5831.S7 1944 .M4
Title: Voie de la liberté = Road to liberty
by Pneu Michelin (1992)
Call Number: MAP G5831.S7 1947 .P6 1992
Title: St Aubin Sword & Juno beaches 1944
by Alan Godfrey Maps. Painter, A. A. (2004)
Call Number: MAP G5833.N7S7 1944 .A52
Title: Ouistreham, Pegasus Bridge 1944
by Alan Godfrey Maps. Painter, A. A. (2004)
Call Number: MAP G5833.N7S7 1944 .A525
Title: Assault map 1:2,500 ; [Omaha Beach map]
Author not given (1944)
Call Number: MAP G5833.N7S7 1944 .A8
Title: Armée belge, campagne de mai 1940 (10 au 28 mai). Carte général des fortifications permanentes, des positions occupées, des emplacements successifs des divisions, et des itinéraires suivis
by Belgium. Forces armées. Service historique. Bikar, A.; Vanderleyden, J. M. (1968)
Call Number: MAP G6011.S7 1940 .B3
Title: Belgisch Leger – Mobilisatie van 1939-1940 : Opstelling op 7 Mei 1940 te 12 u 30 (Vooralarm) en bewegingen tot 10 Mei om 4 u 35 (duitsche aanval)
by Institut Géographique Militaire, Belgium (1968)
Call Number: MAP G6011.S7 1940 .B32
Title: Berlin, Allied intelligence map of key buildings : Reich Government, NSDAP, police … prisons
by Great Britain. War Office. General Staff. Geographical Section. Great Britain. Royal Air Force. Central Intelligence Unit (1990)
Call Number: MAP G6299.B3S7 1944 .G7 1990
Title: Russia in Europe
by Deutsche Informationsstelle (1942)
Call Number: MAP G6965 1942 .D3
Title: U.S.S.R. Western Front
Author not given (1942)
Call Number: MAP G6965 1942 .U8
Title: Pacific area in World War II, 1941-1945
by Wesley, Edgar Bruce, Denoyer-Geppert Company (197-?)
Call Number: MAP G9231.S7 1970 .W3 Rolled Wall Map
Title: Iwo Jima
by United States. Army. 64th Engr. Top. Bn. (1945)
Call Number: MAP G9242.I8 1945 .U5
Title: Southwest Pacific
by United States. Bureau of Naval Personnel. Educational Services Section (1944)
Call Number: MAP G9251.S7 1944 .U6
Title: Battlefield map of Saipan – 1944 Japanese mandated islands
by Stewart, William H., Economic Service Counsel Inc. (1986)
Call Number: MAP G9412.S3S7 1944 .S8
Map Collection: Location and Hours
The Map Collection room is normally open to the public in the basement (Lower Level) of Shields Library, Monday-Friday, 1:00-5:00 pm. However, our hours change around the academic calendar and the holiday season. To see the most accurate schedule, please visit this link: click here.
Contact the Special Collections Department for map related questions by email at speccoll@ucdavis.edu or by phone at 530-752-1621.