Publish or Perish, 2014
Scholarly publishing is in a bit of turmoil. This upheaval impacts not only the dissemination of knowledge but also the assessment of scholars (and thus their careers). For two days in February 2014 at UC Davis we will cover some of the key changes in scholarly publishing with a focus on how they impact the careers of academics. Some key details of the meeting are summarized below:
- Sessions topics will focus on changes occurring in scholarly publishing (in journal publishing, other forms of digital publishing, peer review, and economics of publishing) and on changes in assessment (alt metrics, assessment by institutions, and new models for evaluating scholars).
- Each session of the meeting will include a mix of a keynote talk, short talks, and a panel discussion by leading experts in the field. Ample time will be provided for discussions and networking as well.
- In addition, at the end of Day 1 there will be a special Keynote talk by Yochai Benkler from Harvard University on “Open Access, Cooperation, and Commons: The (Uncertain) Retreat of Possessive Individualism in Networked Society” followed by a reception.
- This meeting is organized by the UC Davis Innovating Communication in Scholarship (ICIS) Project, which is a collaboration between Mario Biagioli (UC Davis School of Law), Mackenzie Smith (UC Davis University Library) and Jonathan Eisen (UC Davis Genome Center).
Video recordings and slides of the meeting:
Other Blog Posts
- Sierra Williams blog post includes brief write up: Impact Round-Up 15th February: In gratitude to Stuart Hall, #publishperish14 and the fallacy of web objectivity.
- Marcus’ World Blog post:
Session Slides, Videos, and Links
Opening of the Meeting
Day 1: Keynote: Video
Yochai Benkler, Harvard University – “Open Access, Cooperation, and Commons: The (Uncertain) Retreat of Possessive Individualism in Networked Society”
- Session 1: The Changing Nature of the Journal: Video
- Heather Joseph, SPARC
- John Inglis, CSHL Press & BioRxiv
- Chris Kelty, UCLA
- Gregg Gordon, SSRN
- Session 2: Beyond Journals & New Forms of Digital Publishing: Video
- Carly Strasser, California Digital Library: Slides
- Carl Boettiger, ROpenSci
- Erik Kansa, Alexandria Archive Institute & Open Context
- Kaitlin Thaney, Mozilla Science Lab
- Session 3: Innovations in Peer Review: Video
- Victoria Stodden, Columbia University.
- Emily Ford, Portland State University: Slides
- Ivan Oransky, Retraction Watch & New York University: Slides
- Cesar A. Berrios-Otero, Faculty of 1000
- Jonathan Dugan, Public Library Of Science
Day 2: Opening Keynote: Video
Diane Harley, Center for Studies in Higher Education & UC Berkeley – “Predicting the future of scholarly communication: faculty values, disciplinary cultures, and advancing careers”
- Session 4: Changing the Value Proposition of Publishing: Video
- Greg Tananbaum, ScholarNext
- Peter Binfield, PeerJ
- Allison Fish, UC Davis
- Todd Vision, Dryad & UNC Chapel Hill
- Session 5: Altmetrics: Do They Measure Anything Useful?: Video
- Molly McCarthy, UC Davis
- Nettie Lagace, NISO: Slides
- Anurag Acharya, Google Scholar
- Jennifer Lin, PLOS
- Session 6: Assessment: Video
- Linda Katehi, Chancellor, UC Davis
- Sarah Greene, Rapid Science
- Margie Ferguson, Modern Language Association & UC Davis
- Kerry Ann O’ Meara, University of Maryland
- Josh Rosenbloom, STAR METRICS
Closing Discussion: Video
Lightning Talks: Video